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The Spacious Life Part 2

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”— Psalm 139:7-10

July 8th, 2024

Dear friends,

Well, we are now officially digital nomads and location-independent. Yesterday, we handed in the keys to our urban oasis, loaded the car with our travel belongings, and headed to Salida, Colorado, where we will live with my parents for the next two months while we await the finalization of Scott's citizenship process.

It's been a wild ride to get to this point, full of a broad mixture of emotions amid this year-long season of upheaval— I've been processing through the various stages of grief since my little chihuahua, Lola, passed away back in July 2023. And it sure feels like divine timing that our major lifestyle change culminates the same month, a year later. This impending move has only highlighted the truth that grief is a part of change, whether those changes were desired or not. I've been learning a lot about grief and shared some of those thoughts in the latest blog post (below).

I am so grateful to those who responded with kind words and prayers over us. Being a part of this Loto community has been such a blessing; thank you.

As Scott and I begin to adjust to these changes in how we live our lives, I am very grateful to be surrounded by the beauty of the San Isabel Forest and in my mother's caring embrace. 

The cabin that my dad and grandfather built long before I was born is something special for those who have gotten to experience the heart of my family in it. This land was the location of my first planned retreat, 001 AWAKEN, and also the place where my mother and I baptized each other in the nearby waterfall. Giving up my prayer garden in Denver was hard; it was a space of beauty where God's Spirit continually met, held, comforted, and inspired me. What a gift to transition our lives into the very spot where the Holy Spirit breathed life into my heart in the snowmelt waters of Mt Shavano. Like my mother's tenderness for me, I know God will care for my heart in these mountains this summer.

So much of this global adventure is about experiencing God around the world because His Spirit is not location-dependent, and I know that He will meet me anywhere I am, including the Rocky Mountains. Like the psalmist says in 139:7-10, I cannot flee from His presence, for He is everywhere, guiding me with His right hand into a life of spaciousness. Praise God!

In Him,


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