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Rest as Soul Care 🕊️

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In the chaos and busyness of our modern world, finding rest can often feel like an elusive dream. We are constantly bombarded by responsibilities, deadlines, and the relentless demands of our daily lives. But amidst this whirlwind, I have discovered a profound truth: rest is not merely an act of physical rejuvenation; it is a deeply spiritual practice that nurtures and restores the soul.

My journey towards understanding rest as soul care began with my burnout, which is where I encountered Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a profound and personal way. It was a time when my heart was heavy with burdens, and my spirit was weary from striving. In the midst of my exhaustion, I turned to Jesus, seeking solace and renewal.

As I learned to immerse myself in His presence, I felt a gentle invitation from His still small voice to enter into a rhythm of rest. I realized that rest was not just a temporary escape from the demands of life; it was a sacred space where I could connect with God on a deeper level. It was in this place of rest that I experienced the truly transformative power of His love and grace. 

As I embraced this newfound understanding of rest, I began to notice the profound connection between rest and His creation. I discovered that nature, with its breathtaking beauty and awe-inspiring majesty, held a profound wisdom that spoke to my soul. The vibrant colors of a sunset, the rhythmic crashing of waves on a shoreline, and the gentle sway of trees in a summer breeze all whispered of a Creator who intimately cares for His creation.

In the quiet moments of solitude and reflection, I found myself drawn to these manifestations of God's handiwork. They became windows through which I glimpsed His majesty and power. In the stillness of a forest, I sensed His presence as the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodious chorus of birdsong enveloped me. I marveled at the intricacies of a delicate flower, recognizing the intricate care and attention to detail that God lavishes upon His creation.

It was in these moments of connection with creation that I began to understand rest as a way of surrendering control and trusting in God's provision. Just as the flowers of the field do not toil or spin, yet are clothed in beauty, I realized that I too could find rest in the assurance that God would provide for all my needs.

As I continued to embrace rest as soul care, I discovered that it was not a passive state but an active choice. It required intentional moments of pausing, letting go of the worries and distractions that consumed my mind, and embracing the stillness of God's presence. It was in these moments that I found restoration and renewal for my weary soul.

Rest became a sacred act of worship, a way of acknowledging my dependence on God and aligning my heart with His rhythms. In the gentle embrace of His love, I found solace for my weary soul, strength for my tired limbs, and a renewed sense of purpose and calling.

Today, I continue to journey on this path of rest as soul care, walking hand in hand with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I find solace in His presence, peace in His promises, and joy in the knowledge that I am deeply loved and cared for by my Creator. And as I connect with the majesty of His creation, I am reminded of the vastness of His love and the beauty of His handiwork.

Rest, for me, has become an anchor in the storms of life, a sanctuary in the midst of chaos, and a wellspring of life for my weary soul. In the embrace of Jesus' rest, I have found the profound truth that God's love is enough, His grace is sufficient, and His presence is the ultimate source of rest for my soul.

I hope you will join me for one of our Sacred Rest experiences, including the upcoming 001 AWAKEN Retreat on August 4-6th, 2023 in Salida, Colorado.

In Him

Jennifer, Founder & Champion of Rest