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Seasons of Nature and Spiritual Growth: Summer 🌻

So often, when I think of summer, I envision pool days, summer blooms, weddings, and backyard BBQs. I think of fun activities outside, basking in the longer days and warmer nights, especially here in Colorado. I often fail to remember that the summer season in nature, marked by scorching heat and often drought, reflects a season in my life of busyness and production. As summer is reaching this part of the world in full force, with the sun casting its relentless heat upon the world, I've been thinking a lot about the life lessons of this hot season and the undeniable connection between the scorching heat and spiritual growth.

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Summer in my corner of the world is notorious for its unforgiving heatwaves. The air feels heavy with warmth, and the sun blazes down with an intensity that can make even the toughest souls seek refuge in the higher altitude of the Rocky Mountains and their cooler temps. The harshness of the summer heat is a great example from nature of the challenges life sometimes throws our way.

Much like the scorching sun, life in our broken world can be relentless and heavy. And the weight of it all can sometimes feel like it's pushing us to our limits. During these moments, we must remember that growth often occurs in adversity, just as the strongest trees grow their roots deepest in the harshest soil.

It's important to remember that God does mighty healing work in us while we sit in the fire of our circumstances. You see, it's easy to idolize self-reliance and go through life under our own strength and understanding when things are going well. God often uses the hot, dry seasons of our lives to teach us dependence on Him. I love this quote from Alabaster Bible Company's book, "Towards Rest"-

"The central problem of our fractured world is the lie of independence. We raise ourselves and our work to utmost importance, self-reliant 'gods' free of truly needing God. In rest, we locate ourselves in the truth that we are meant for more than production, and that all of our work must be done in partnership with God."

Rest helps me get through the scorching heat of busyness, expectations, and responsibilities, finding a moment of stillness amidst the chaos of life to soak up Living Water like a dry sponge.

Finding Stillness Amidst the Chaos

As the world bustles with activity, I lean on the power of prayerful meditation and mindfulness. I step outside and allow myself to become fully present in the moment, tuning into the rustling leaves, the distant hum of insects, and the gentle breeze that provides a reprieve from the heat.

I quiet my busy mind and body to listen for His still small voice for clarity and peace beyond understanding. I realize that, even amid life's challenges, I have the power to find inner calm and balance in Jesus. In these quiet moments, we can hear our Savior's whispers speaking love to our souls, guiding us along the paths He's laid out before us.

Are you living in the summer season of life? How are you filling your cup with Living Water?

Summer in nature is marked as a time of extreme dryness and heat, and with it comes a need for more water than usual to sustain life.

Here are some of my favorite ways to mindfully rest in summertime:

  • Hike in the mountains near a river and search for a waterfall.

  • Go camping, disconnect from technology, and tune into nature.

  • Play a game to rediscover the art of childlike play.

  • Enjoy a picnic in the garden surrounded by flowers.

  • Take a cold plunge at a local reservoir or lake.

Summer in spiritual growth represents a time of spiritual dryness. It is a time of needing more spiritual food and Living Water to stay replenished. 

Summer is an invitation to surrender control and learn dependence on Him, to fill our cups from the Source of life. To do so, you have to communicate with Him to know His heart for you in this season. In other words, you need to be watered.

However you choose to seek God's watering this summer, remember that every season has gifts and challenges and that growing into the people God made us to be is a journey, not a race to the finish. Don't try to hurry the season you're in. Experience it. Rest in it. And above all, listen for God's still small voice to guide you through.

In Him

Jennifer, Founder & Champion of Rest