Jennifer Axcell
Founder & Champion of Rest for Loto Wellness Collective & Editor-in-Chief of Loto Living magazine
Jennifer is a multi-passioned naturalist and contemplative who loves travel, listening to worship music, gardening, elevated design, art, reading, learning, and investing in people and activities that fill her energetic cup.
She is currently living as a digital nomad, slow-traveling around the globe and discovering cultural practices of rest and self-care. As an artist, she seeks inspiration from her travels and new ways to express the depths of her soul through creative expression.
She is madly in love with Jesus and, as a modern day Desert Mother and Christian mystic, is focused on intimately knowing herself in God, abiding in Jesus, and sharing the divine wisdom she has received.
After studying business and receiving her BFA in fashion design and merchandising from the Academy of Art in San Francisco, Jennifer first became an entrepreneur at 24.
The daughter and granddaughter of entrepreneurs, her first entrepreneurial endeavor was building Beyond Black, an image consulting and fashion styling business in San Francisco. Since then, she has been passionately creating service-based businesses across the country.
As a philanthropist and social entrepreneur, she has contributed to the development and growth of multiple nonprofit organizations and served on a variety of nonprofit Boards.
Her passion for volunteering her God-given talents and time has her currently serving Boundless ministries on their Infinitum Virtual Encounters team, creating content, and co-hosting their monthly prayer days.
Jennifer is a voracious learner and channels her curiosity into skill development. She learns best by doing.
She has been an avid practicioner of yoga for over 20 years, and has been facilitating faith-based yin yoga classes since 2018. She received training through YogaFaith, accredited by the Yoga Alliance.
After years of practice and exploration through her own healing journey, Jennifer was trained in plant medicine meditation facilitation by Collette Elosha of Love Culture.
Her passionate exploration of somatic healing techniques led her to discovering sound healing and utilizing her Voice as Medicine with Maria Tierra.
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”—Frederick Buechner
Through my journey into the wilderness of burnout recovery—mind, body, spirit—God inspired me to create a container for the beautiful healing spaces that I needed and couldn't find.
The Lord told me to stretch my tent curtains wide (Isaiah 54), to dream God-sized dreams that would make room for the multitude because He was using the pandemic to launch us into a global awakening. God is calling humankind back into The Way of Jesus, to abide in Him and heal—Humanity heals, and the world heals.
I had been trying to pour from an empty cup in survival mode for so long that I had forgotten what it felt like to feel fully alive. I felt like a shadow of the woman I wanted to be, the best version of myself for myself and my family.
I had to make major lifestyle changes, a process that revealed how deeply disassociated I was from my body and sleepwalking through my lived experience (moving through life on auto-pilot). Dismantling my way of life and figuring out how to put the pieces back together in a healthier way was only the start of my journey into this wilderness season of life. As a woman who loves to skydive, race cars, and travel the world solo, starting over was the scariest thing I’ve ever done.
My healing journey towards flourishing has been long and deeply spiritual. It required me to deconstruct deeply ingrained religious dogmas (breaking down the components of my beliefs to identify what comes from God and what doesn't), explore the ancient monastic practices of the original Desert Mothers and Fathers, and learn about Eastern traditions to return to the heart of Christianity as Jesus modeled it—salvation through faith and sanctification by grace into embodied oneness with God. My awakening continues to this day, and I now feel alive again, flourishing, and living as the best version of myself.
Now, trauma-aware healing is a way of life for me, which used to feel so isolating, not because I didn’t have friends and family who loved me; they just didn’t understand what I was doing or why I was doing it.
Jesus made it clear to me that my job wasn’t to convince people that they were asleep and needed to wake up (Lord knows I tried), but to embrace my God-given gifts as an artist, and entrepreneur, and a challenger of the status quo (Enneagram 8w7) to pave the way of healing through beauty for other seekers to find.
Through Loto Wellness, I want to inspire other people on their healing journeys. I want to share the wisdom I have received from sitting at the feet of Jesus, and to learn from others. I want to surround myself with people seeking to live as the resurrected embodiment of their souls, oneness with Christ, with the support and encouragement of other awakened humans on their journeys to self-discovery and healing.
It was through my personal journey and the recognized need for fellowship that God planted the seed for Loto Wellness Collective to be born.
You don’t have to be on this awakening journey alone. Will you join me?….
Our journey isn’t becoming more than we are, because we are already complete. Rather, our journey is to awaken to, or align with, who we already are. And as we do that, we find ourselves rushing to our Father’s table where His fruits are peace, love and power in limitless abundance.”—Ted Dekker
It’s time to awaken.
Awaken with me! Come, receive YHWH’s Love through the practice of being present with the Presence of God (rest & refilling) in the holy of holies, your inner sanctuary. Honor the Holy Spirit’s temple through the care of your human vessel: ceasing self-abandonment, creating healthy boundaries, and ceasing pouring from empty by putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others.
Practice in a safe and supportive trauma-aware environment. Engage with The Collective to receive encouragement to bravely jump into the deep end of His living waters with both feet.
If you’ve been pouring from an empty cup for too long and need His refilling, join me. It’s time to embrace the power of vulnerability, to bravely rise up out of the darkness of fear and for our souls to bloom in the light of Love. Together. Welcome to Loto Wellness Collective.
With Love,
“There has never been a generation that has been given the detailed understanding of this glorious and divine mystery until now. He kept it a secret until this generation. God is revealing it only now to his sacred apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit. Here’s the secret: The gospel of grace has made you, non-Jewish believers, into coheirs of his promise through your union with him. And you have now become members of his body—one with the Anointed One!”— Ephesians 3:5-6 TPT