The Collective πŸͺ· Loto Wellness

We believe that humans were designed us to live in fellowship with God and each otherβ€” relational bonds with other people are essential to human survivalβ€” reflecting the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

A recent op-ed in The Atlantic, cited these statistics about Americans ages 25-54: The percentage of people who say they don’t have close friends has increased fourfold since 1990. More than half of Americans say that no one knows them well.

We’re here to tell you that virtual community can be a lifeline for many of us feeling isolated or lonely. This is why we love to bring people together in a conscious and authentic community, and we are so grateful to live in an age where technology makes it easy to connect.

If you want to feel seen and live in a community with like-minded people, consider attending one of our online events, wellness retreats, or join our virtual community, The Collective πŸͺ·, on Facebook and WhatsApp.

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