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The Breath of Life

There’s something beautifully sacred about allowing your body to be breathed. Our breath is the animating life force and energy within us. It is the very breath of God’s sustaining grace. The breath is a beautiful metaphor for the Holy Spirit, which is often called “the breath” throughout Scripture. (Genesis 1:2) Breathing happens whether we think about it or not, just like God is present to us whether we think of Him or not. But, consciously choosing to breathe and using the breath as an anchor when our minds wander is just like practicing the presence of God.

It takes practice and intentionality. Breath prayers are used in this way. You can make a breath prayer out of nearly any verse or use an ancient prayer. Pairing intentional breath with slow and easy movement is one of the best ways to start to let your mind and spirit catch up with your body! It will help shift you into the part of your nervous system that is responsible for resting, digesting and rejuvenating your physical body and promoting a sense of ease. This is an amazing way to gently ease yourself into a day of silence and rest.

Breath Prayer

Choose a sentence or Scripture verse that is meaningful to you to pray and as you say the first part of the sentence, inhale deeply. Then, as you say the second part, fully exhale.

Here are some examples:

  • The traditional “Jesus Prayer” – “Jesus, Son of God (inhale), have mercy on me, a sinner (exhale).”

  • “My soul (inhale), glorifies the Lord (exhale)”Luke 1:46

  • “My soul finds rest (inhale), in God alone (exhale)” Psalm 62:1

  • “Loving Shepherd (inhale), lead me by still waters (exhale)” Psalm 23

  • “You are my Light & Salvation (inhale), I am safe in Your dwelling (exhale)” Psalm27

  • “The Lord is my strength (inhale), my heart will trust in Him (exhale)” Psalm 28:7

    Embodied YHWH Breath Prayer

    It has been suggested that the original pronunciation of the sacred Hebrew name for God, YHWH, was an attempt to imitate and replicate breath. It is the only blend of consonants that, if correctly pronounced, does not allow you to use your tongue or close your lips.

    Try it with your lips slightly apart and see if you can feel the name of God in your inhale (YH) & exhale (WH)

    Eventually, close your lips and simply make it a breath prayer, an embodied contemplative practice of the presence of God. Allow the experience to move you from a place of thinking, to more a felt- experience in your cellular body.

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Want more breath prayers? Check out the audio-guided, “Breath Prayer: Rest” in the Loto Content Library.