Restful Resolutions in 2024

As we step into a new year, it's customary to set resolutions for self-improvement, growth, and change. Often, these resolutions revolve around fitness, career, or personal achievements. While these goals are important, we should also consider resolutions that speak to our need for rest, aligning with the purpose and potential that God has instilled in each of us.

This year, I’m exploring the concept of restful resolutions, focusing on how I want to show up in the world as the unique and deeply loved daughter that God created me to be.

Here are some of the categories I’m digging into for 2024. I invite you to join me on this journey of exploration to find the categories that speak to your heart.

Prioritizing Rest and Self-Care

In a world that often celebrates busyness and productivity, it's crucial to prioritize rest and self-care. God created us as complex beings, both physical and spiritual. Rest allows us to recharge physically and emotionally, helping us show up as our best selves. Consider setting a resolution to establish healthy sleep patterns, practice mindfulness, or engage in life-giving hobbies that make you feel alive.

Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful attitude of the heart that can transform our outlook on life, lifting our gaze from circumstances to God’s faithful provision. When we recognize and appreciate the blessings God has bestowed upon us, we open our hearts to greater happiness and contentment. Make it a resolution to practice gratitude daily, whether through journaling, meditation, or simply taking a moment each day to thank God for the gifts in your life.

Nurturing Relationships

One of the most profound ways we can show up in the world is by nurturing our relationships with others. God created us to connect with him and to each other through community. This year, resolve to invest more time and effort in building and strengthening your relationships with family, friends, and even strangers. Show love, kindness, and compassion to everyone you encounter, reflecting the love that God has for us.

Discovering Purpose

Each of us has a unique purpose in life, a calling that God has designed specifically for us. Take the time to reflect on your passions, talents, and the things that truly matter to you. Seek guidance through prayer and self-discovery to identify your purpose, and make it a resolution to pursue it with dedication and enthusiasm.

Practicing Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a virtue that aligns with God's teachings. Holding onto grudges and resentment can weigh us down and hinder our growth. This year, resolve to practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself. Let go of past hurts, and allow God's grace to fill your heart with healing and reconciliation.

Being Mindful of Words and Actions

The power of our words and actions cannot be underestimated. God calls us to be mindful of how we interact with others and the impact we have on their lives. Make it a resolution to choose kindness, empathy, and positivity in your words and actions. Seek to uplift and inspire those around you, creating a ripple effect of goodness in the world.

What are you resolving to cultivate in 2024?

As we embark on a new year, let us remember that God has created each of us with a unique purpose and potential. Restful resolutions are not about adding more to our lives but about aligning our hearts and intentions with God's design for us and our lives. By prioritizing rest, gratitude, relationships, purpose, forgiveness, and mindful actions, we can show up in the world more fully as the individuals God made us to be. May this year be filled with growth, fulfillment, and a deeper connection with our Creator and our highest and most rested selves.

In Him,

Jennifer, Founder & Champion of Rest


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