The Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Faith in the Face of Our Fears 🫐

“He replied, '“‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20-21 NIV

To deeply understand the spiritual fruit of faithfulness, we must confront its antithesis—fear.

Mark Twain once said, "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear." His words encapsulate a profound truth about faithfulness. Faithfulness does not eliminate fear; instead, it stands firm in the face of it. It is an anchor that holds us steady amidst the storms of uncertainty and anxiety.

Fear, at its core, is a natural human response to the unknown, the unpredictable, and the uncontrollable. It whispers doubts and magnifies insecurities, tempting us to retreat, to abandon our commitments, and to lose trust. But the fruit of faithfulness calls us to a higher path. It invites us to master our fears, to stand firm and trust.

Learn more about the nervous system's response to stress here.

As Alabaster Bible Co states in their book Fruit, "Often, we describe doubt— a lack of belief— as the opposite of faith. [In Matthew 17:20-21], Jesus posits a more concentrated, forceful word for faith's antithesis: fear. While doubt is primarily associated with our minds, fear speaks to something far more bodily, emotional, and innate within us."

Indeed, even modern neurosciences back this up. Northwestern Medicine found that when we experience fear, our nervous systems become alert, we release cortisol and adrenaline stress hormones, and our blood pressure and heart rates increase.

The Greek word for faith, pistis, beautifully captures this essence. It means to have trust in, confidence in, or fidelity. Faith is not a passive state but an active choice to place our trust in something—or rather, Someone—beyond ourselves. Faithfulness is the lived expression of this trust in Jesus, a daily commitment to remain steadfast, even when fear looms large.

The book, Fruit, goes on to say, “Faith is not necessarily a replacement for courage, but a foundation for it. While courage characterizes the actions we take against fear, faith is the substance that enables the possibility of courage at all. We discover courage as we place faith, or trust, in the personhood of Jesus.”

Jesus, the personification of divine faithfulness, invites us into this trust. Faith is not merely an abstract concept but an invitation to trust in Jesus—a person, a Savior. He embodies the ultimate fidelity, promising to never leave us nor forsake us. When fear threatens to overwhelm us, it is this trust in Jesus that anchors us.

Take heart- we don’t need to try to have more faith, we need only to get to know Jesus better. Because He is faithful, the better we know Him the more we will trust Him.

Consider the disciples in the boat, tossed by the furious storm. Fear gripped their hearts as the waves crashed over them. Yet, Jesus, with calm authority, spoke to the storm and brought peace. His question to them, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:40), was a call to trust in Him even amidst the chaos. This scene vividly illustrates the contrast between fear and faithfulness. Fear sees the storm; faithfulness sees Jesus.

Faithfulness, then, is a courageous stance. It acknowledges fear but chooses to trust anyway. It's the parent who perseveres in raising their child despite the uncertainties of the future, the spouse who remains committed through sickness and health, and the friend who stands by one another in times of trouble. These acts of loyalty and commitment reflect the heart of Jesus, who embodies perfect faithfulness.

Trust is The Bedrock of Faithfulness

When we trust in Jesus, we find the courage to face our fears. This trust is not blind but rooted in the character and promises of God. The Bible is packed with assurances of God's faithfulness. In Lamentations 3:22-23, we read, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

God's promises are like a solid rock in a shifting world. When we anchor ourselves to these promises, we find the strength to remain faithful in our own lives. This divine faithfulness inspires our own, calling us to mirror God's unwavering love and commitment in our daily actions.

Reflection Question: In what areas of your life is fear preventing you from fully trusting in Jesus, and how can you actively choose faithfulness by placing your trust in Him despite those fears?

So, how do we cultivate this fruit of faithfulness amidst a world that often fuels our fears? It starts with small, consistent steps. It means choosing to trust in Jesus daily, even when circumstances are uncertain. It involves embracing the courage to resist fear, to master it, and to remain faithful despite it.

Faithfulness is not about living without fear; it's about living with trust. It's about believing that the seeds we sow today will bear fruit tomorrow, even if we can't see it yet. It's about trusting in Jesus, who is our constant, our anchor, and our guide.

As we journey towards flourishing in Christ, may we hold on to the quiet strength of faithfulness. Let us be like the disciples who, despite their fears, ultimately trusted in Jesus' power to calm the storm. Let our lives be a testament to the power of unwavering trust and commitment. And in doing so, may we reflect the boundless fruit of God’s faithfulness, who guides us through every storm and leads us safely to the shores of His grace.


Jennifer Axcell
Founder & Champion of Rest, Loto Wellness Collective






Jennifer is passionate about creating thoughtfully designed experiences in beautiful spaces as moments to rest in God's unhurried rhythms of grace. She is a certified yoga, breathwork, and meditation facilitator, sound healer, somatic coach, and trauma-informed practitioner with a deep love for Jesus.


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