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The Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Surrendering Self and Control 🍓

"You may freely eat of every tree of the garden but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, [for in the day that you eat of it you shall die]."

Genesis 2:16-17 NRSV

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Self-control is a virtue that shines brightly in a world often governed by impulsive desires and instant gratification. Cultivating self-control requires practice, patience, and trust. It's a journey of self-discovery, as we navigate the depths of our own desires and impulses, learning to discern between what is fleeting and what is enduring.

In the words of Max Lucado, a renowned author, "Self-control is not a sprint but a marathon, a journey of a thousand steps taken one day at a time." Indeed, the path to living out of the Fruit of self-control is not for the faint of heart. It requires us to confront our weaknesses with honesty and humility, acknowledging that true strength lies not in the absence of temptation but in our ability to rise above it with the help of the Spirit.

It is through prayer, meditation, and communion with the indwelling Spirit of God that we find the strength to overcome our baser instincts and embrace a higher purpose.

Consider the example of Jesus in the wilderness, where He faced temptation in its purest form. Amidst hunger and exhaustion over 40 days, He demonstrated unwavering self-control; Jesus stood firm in His convictions, refusing to yield to the temptations presented before Him. Even in His last breath, Jesus says "Not my will but Yours be done," in full submission of Himself to God (Luke 22:42).

In doing so, He set an example for all who seek to follow in his footsteps, showing us that true power lies in surrendering to the will of God.

But self-control is not merely about saying no to temptation; it's also about saying yes to that which nourishes the soul. It's about making conscious choices that align with our values and aspirations, even when the easier path beckons us with its allure.

As the book Fruit by Alabaster Bible Co states"Perhaps, we ought to redefine the fruit of Self-control— one that sets us free rather than restricts us, one that does not strip us of God-given emotions nor shame us into compliance, and one that ultimately relies on the Spirit and not ourselves at all."

God's commands are not obstacles for us to face; they are boundaries that keep us safe, existing to help us thrive.

In Genesis, Eve is tempted by the serpent in the garden by shifting her focus from God's gift of an entire paradise to just one forbidden tree. Adam and Eve lost focus on God's provision (what they had) to what they could not have.

One of the most significant barriers to self-control is the daily battles within our minds— what we choose to focus on. It's easy to focus on what we don't have, so much so that we lose sight of God's provision and the freedom He has given us. When we lose sight of Him, we can begin to build resentment for the boundaries He has placed to keep us holy.

Alabaster Bible Co puts it this way: "God liberated the Israelites from the bondage of slavery and us from the bondage of sin that we might be free. The boundaries God imparts are not to hold us back, but to propel us into the freedom and abundance of a life lived under God."

The fruit of self-control results from our sanctification, God's transforming power; it's not a prerequisite that we have to accomplish to be worthy of salvation. If we live by the Spirit, then we will be led and guided by the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). To bear this particular fruit, we must invite the Spirit into our mundane and everyday rhythms, remembering that self-control is not just about what we don't do, it's also about what we choose to do.

Self-control is about choosing to be led by the Holy Spirit, surrendering our wills, and keeping our focus on Him. In a world that glorifies instant gratification and excess, self-control is a radical act of defiance against this fallen world— a declaration of our lives lived differently, led by the Holy Spirit, in the face of societal pressures and human norms.

May you thrive in His abundant provision as you walk faithfully with His Spirit.

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Why We Love Alabaster Bible Co: Discover the beauty and depth of faith with Alabaster Bible Co books. Their meticulously crafted Bibles blend timeless design with modern elegance, offering a unique way to engage with scripture. From the exquisite typography to the thoughtfully curated artwork, each page invites reflection and inspires devotion. Whether you're seeking solace in daily readings or gifting a cherished keepsake, their books and Bibles evoke a sense of reverence and wonder.

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