Immersive Experiences & Ceremonial Circles

At Loto Wellness Collective, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey through our immersive retreat experiences and ceremonial circles.

These sacred in-person gatherings are crafted to nourish the mind, body, and soul, allowing you to experience the profound sacredness of rest and rejuvenation in serene environments around the world.

Join The Collective 🪷 in an immersive retreat experience to AWAKEN, RESTORE, and IGNITE your journey toward flourishing in Christ.

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”— Matthew 3:3b

Experiential Prayer

A foundation of prayer is at the heart of all of our experiences. There are many levels of communion with the Holy Spirit that can be experienced through the ways we pray- vocal prayer is speaking aloud to God, meditation is reflecting on God, centering prayer is silently consenting to God, and contemplative prayer is about loving God and experiencing His presence within us. All Loto Wellness Collective experiential events are thoughtfully designed to engage guests in spiritual practices that connect our minds, bodies, and souls to the heart of Jesus.

Here to thrive!

Ceremonial Circles Immersed in His Creation

Experience the sacredness of rest in immersive environments around the world, designed to quiet our hearts and minds to encounter the indwelling Holy Spirit while soaking in God’s creation.

Connect deeper with yourself, each other, and our Creator in sacred spaces thoughtfully designed. Experience the beauty of nature as God’s gift of rest & refilling.

Join The Collective 🪷 in a ceremonial circle where we hold sacred space for ourselves and each other while connecting deeply with the presence of God inside and around us.

“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”— Matthew 18:20

Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Loto Letters, to receive upcoming retreat and ceremonial circle dates and locations. 👇

Sacred Rest Circles

Each of us has unique God-given gifts and abilities meant to shine brightly into a dark and oppressed world. Especially for those with trauma, it can feel really hard to step into those gifts and live out of our highest potential when we’re physically exhausted and emotionally burned-out out from living in a chronic state of survival and busyness.

The world needs us to heal, to use our influence as Christ-empowered humans to make an impact in our communities for the Kingdom.

The result of trying to pour from an empty cup all the time is burnout and breakdown. It’s time for us to recognize where our true power comes from, rise up, and heal so that we can live up to our God-given potential and no longer be weighed down so heavily by attempting the journey out of our limited strength.

Join us for a 5-week immersive workshop series to deep-dive into the art and science of rest.

Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Loto Letters, to receive upcoming dates and locations for our next Sacred Rest circles. 👇

…incorporating the breathwork and body scans in particular into my pre-bedtime routine has been game changing for me, helping me fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer thanks to a calmer mind and nervous system.

Guest of Sacred Rest

Blending breathwork, gentle yoga poses and meditation (including sound bath elements) into each 90-minute session was wonderful. Having the electronic course materials helped ensure I could take the learning home with me and practice regularly. Going through the 5-week course with other burnt-out people who were resistant to rest also helped me feel less alone in my struggle.

Guest of Sacred Rest

I find it very hard to prioritize rest. If I'm not 'on the go' or actively planning or doing something I feel like my time is 'wasted'. I know this isn't healthy so I needed to make a class like this a priority in order to change my focus and mindset about rest.

Guest of Sacred Rest

FREE Audio Guides & Music Playlists

Can’t make it to one of our online or in-person events? Looking to take the Loto experience home with you?

Immerse yourself in our FREE audio-guided meditations, breathwork sessions, and musical playlists meticulously crafted to provide a blissful escape from the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day, soaking in the Holy Spirit. With our digital resources, you can indulge in luxurious tranquility on your own time, from the comfort of a hot bath or outdoors in God’s creation.

  • "Choosing to stop and be still is a prophetic act. It tells us to stop fighting. It acknowledges that we cannot change our circumstances, or the world, simply through our own efforts. It allows us the possibility of encountering the truth of our own hearts and of being filled by the presence of the Spirit. It is an act of refusing, even for a brief moment, the world’s false comforts and diversions. It is not apathy, nor is it activity. It is remaining still and attentive in the presence of God."

    Creative Way Down

  • “I will make with them a covenant of peace and banish wild beasts from the land, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods."

    Ezekiel 34:25 ESV

  • "There will be moments when you will bloom fully and then wilt, only to bloom again. If we can learn anything from flowers it is that resilience is born even when we feel like we are dying."

    Alex Elle

  • “Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”

    Psalm 29:1-2 NIV

  • "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

    Howard Thurman

  • "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

    Isaiah 43:19

  • “There is a deep relationship between the inner revolution of prayer and the transformation of social structures and social consciousness. Our hope lies in the fact that meditation is going to change the society that we live in, just as it has changed us.”

    Richard Rohr