Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Bearing Fruit πŸ‹πŸ‡πŸŽπŸŠ

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." β€”Galatians 5:22–23 

God uses the seasons of our lives, like in nature, to mature us and teach us dependence on Him. Our challenges become opportunities to deepen our root systems and be firmly joined to the Vine that sustains us. The wisdom of nature teaches us that if we've been soaking up His living water, we can expect to bear much of His fruit. Because the fruit doesn't come from us, it comes from Him through the Holy Spirit.

I love how Alabaster Bible Co states this in their book, Fruit; "The journey of fruit-bearing - both in horticulture and holiness - is slow, unglamorous, and lifelong. But on it, we walk with a welcome companion and advocate: the Holy Spirit."

I like to think of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit as the Fruits from the Holy Spirit because bearing spiritual fruit is a result of the Holy Spirit living within us and us soaked in Him.

"I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing. This is how my Father shows who he is- when you produce grapes, when you mature as my disciples." - John 15:5,8 MSG

These verses in John tells us that separation from the Vine (not deeply, relationally, or intimately connected to Jesus through the Holy Spirit inside us) means we can't abundantly receive love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

When we are in close communion with the Spirit, our lives are influenced, and we submit to His transformation. While the Spirit is always within those who have accepted Jesus, our busy lives and minds can often leave us feeling distant and disconnected from hearing His still small voice within. This is why rest and intentionally slowing down is such a necessary spiritual discipline.
Alabaster Bible Co continues to say, "It is tempting to confuse the Fruit of the Spirit with standards of perfection, rather than reliable features of transformation."

Our connectedness to God creates transformative results that bear fruit, the Fruit from the Holy Spirit, not the worldly fruit from ourselves (our efforts and achievements).

We’re praying the exploration of the Fruit of the Spirit through this Loto Journal blog series encourages you to grow in your awareness of the Spirit's heart for transformation. May He mold and shape us to be more like Jesus, bearing fruit abundantly.


Jennifer Axcell
Founder & Champion of Rest, Loto Wellness Collective






Jennifer is passionate about creating thoughtfully designed experiences in beautiful spaces as moments to rest in God's unhurried rhythms of grace. She is a certified yoga, breathwork, and meditation facilitator, sound healer, somatic coach, and trauma-informed practitioner with a deep love for Jesus.


Why We Love Alabaster Bible Co: Discover the beauty and depth of faith with Alabaster Bible Co books. Their meticulously crafted Bibles blend timeless design with modern elegance, offering a unique way to engage with scripture. From the exquisite typography to the thoughtfully curated artwork, each page invites reflection and inspires devotion. Whether you're seeking solace in daily readings or gifting a cherished keepsake, their books and Bibles evoke a sense of reverence and wonder.

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The Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Cultivating Love 🍍


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