Facing Our Fears

I went skydiving for the first time last weekend. The fact that you are this blog post exists means I survived.

But I not only survived, I thrived! The challenge to face my fears, trust God (and my jump guide, Jeremy), and move forward to do a big scary thing like jumping out of a plane was such an incredible experience.

And while you probably weren’t jumping out of planes, I know many of us face other great challenges in life that God is orchestrating to teach us trust and surrender to Him. I was reminded of this as I was going through my old Bible Study Fellowship notes on Elijah this morning:

“Elijah’s story presents a real picture of the human experience. The uncertainties of life weight heavily on us. Our human strength will fail us, but God never does. In the midst of life’s challenges, God welcomes our honest expressions about the depth of our struggles. Only He knows and can meet our deepest needs. We gain strength to carry on as we fix our gaze on the greatness of God rather than the magnitude of our problems. God orchestrates our circumstances to remove our illusion of strength and help us look to Him. In God’s strength alone, we can rise from the hard places in life to carry on and move forward.” - BSF

I pray that in the midst of your circumstances, you are able to look beyond your challenges to see God working on your behalf. I know He was speaking to me loudly on that plane about my fears with the reminder that bravery isn’t the absence of fear, it’s the choices we make in the face of those fears.

Where is God asking you to step out bravely in faith and surrendered dependence in Him?

In Him

Jennifer, Founder & Champion of Rest


Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Bearing Fruit 🍋🍇🍎🍊


A Liturgy for Lola