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The Fruits of the Spirit Devotional: Reflecting the Goodness of God 🍒

"In all things, Creator is working to bring good to the ones who love him, the ones he chose according to his ancient purpose."

- Small Man to the Sacred Family in Village of Iron 8:28 FNVNT (Romans 8:28)

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What is good? This is a question that's been at the heart of humanity since the serpent tempted Adam and Eve in Genesis. Alabaster Bible Co.'s book Fruit defines biblical goodness as simply "being like God." The author goes on to say that, "We call nature 'good' because it shows us God's creativity. We call events 'good' if they remind us of God's provision or sovereignty. We call people 'good' when they show God's compassion, generosity, or mercy."

Goodness, as Paul describes it in Galatians 5:22-23, is a fruit of the Spirit. It's an attribute we all admire and aspire to embody. But what does it truly mean to live a life marked by goodness?

God: The Source of All Goodness

When Jesus was addressed as "Good Teacher," He responded, "Why do you call me good? No one is good—except God alone" (Mark 10:18, NIV). This profound statement directs our understanding of goodness to its ultimate source: God Himself. Goodness is not merely a human attribute; it is a divine quality that originates from the very nature of God.

From the beginning of creation, we see God as the source of all that is good. In Genesis 1, after each act of creation, God saw that it was good. But on the sixth day, something extraordinary happens. After creating humanity, God saw all that He had made, and it was "very good." Humanity, created in the image of God, represents the pinnacle of His creative work, reflecting His goodness in a unique and profound way.

When we let the Spirit fill our lives, we become more like God. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit transforms us, enabling us to reflect God's goodness in our actions, thoughts, and relationships. This transformation is not about merely doing good deeds but becoming vessels through which God's goodness flows.

Goodness in Community and Relationships

Just as God's creation was deemed very good with the addition of humanity, our goodness finds its fullest expression in how we relate to others. It's in our interactions, our acts of service, our willingness to uplift and encourage, where the fruit of goodness truly blossoms.

Humankind is made in the image of God, imago Dei. We worship a triune God, so it is no surprise that in Genesis 2 when He sees Adam alone, he says in verse 18, "'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" As the book Fruit states, "Goodness is intimately tied with community and relationships... humanity is the image of God together."

Living Out Goodness

How do we cultivate this fruit in our lives? Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Seek God's Heart: Spend time in prayer and scripture. The more we know God, the more we understand His goodness. As we draw closer to Him, His goodness begins to reflect in our lives.

  2. Serve Others: Look for opportunities to serve and love one another. Whether it's volunteering at a local shelter, helping a neighbor, or simply lending a listening ear, acts of service are a natural expression of goodness.

  3. Integrity in Action: Strive to be consistent in your actions, both in public and private. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when it's difficult or inconvenient.

  4. Encourage and Uplift: Be a source of encouragement. Support others in their journey, stand by them in their struggles, and celebrate their victories.

  5. Live in Community: Look for places to build community and live in fellowship alongside other believers, reflecting the goodness of our triune God, possibly through your church or a small group.

If you are looking for an online community, we humbly and with love invite you to join the digital Loto community of believers, known as "The Collective 🪷," through our WhatsApp community or Facebook group.

The Ripple Effect of Goodness

Goodness has a ripple effect. A single act of goodness can inspire others to do the same. It creates a chain reaction that can transform communities and bring hope to the world. As we embody the fruit of goodness, we become a living testimony of God's love and grace.

Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." May our lives be a testament to the goodness of God, bearing fruit that nourishes and blesses those around us.

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Why We Love Alabaster Bible Co: Discover the beauty and depth of faith with Alabaster Bible Co books. Their meticulously crafted Bibles blend timeless design with modern elegance, offering a unique way to engage with scripture. From the exquisite typography to the thoughtfully curated artwork, each page invites reflection and inspires devotion. Whether you're seeking solace in daily readings or gifting a cherished keepsake, their books and Bibles evoke a sense of reverence and wonder.

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